Consumer Protection Attorneys

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Advocating for customers who are misled by false and inaccurate claims by sellers

Most companies play by the rules. But some don’t. They overhype their products, use smoke and mirror tactics, or just plain falsify “facts” to trick people into buying their products. Kneupper & Covey is committed to exposing these companies and obtaining compensation for the people who have relied on their false promises. If you have fallen victim to shady claims and advertising tactics contact us today for a free evaluation of your case.

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Learn more about the types of claims we pursue and the misleading tactics used by unscrupulous companies.

Class Action Lawsuits

Class action lawsuits are suits designed to protect a large group of people who’ve been injured in similar ways. Our firm takes on class actions to protect victims of various kinds of consumer fraud. If a business has been mistreating lots of people, it might make a good class action.

Our class action lawyers represent consumers in both individual cases and as classes against companies that mistreat them.

learn more about Class Action Lawsuits

Consumer Protection

Most states have laws protecting consumers and requiring businesses to tell them the truth and deal with them fairly. The laws impose consequences if they don’t, and you can recover damages and attorney’s fees.

If a business has treated you badly and didn’t deal fairly with you, our consumer protection attorneys may be able to help.

learn more about Consumer Protection

learn more about False Advertising

False advertising is when a business lies or misleads its customers in the advertising for its products or on the packaging or labels. Our consumer protection attorneys represent consumers who were misled in ads, either with exaggerated claims about how good a product is or what it’s made of.

Businesses have obligations to tell the truth to their customers, and we fight back against companies that don’t.

learn more about False Advertising

Warranty Breach

Breach of warranty occurs when a company makes a guarantee about a product’s performance or promises to repair it but then refuses to honor that commitment. As consumer protection attorneys, it’s our job to assist consumers who have attempted to get a business to honor their warranty but were unsuccessful.

If you have a warranty on a product—such as your car, an appliance, or electronics—and the business fails to fulfill its promises, you may have a legal claim against them.

learn more about Warranty Breach

Product Liability Lawyers

Tens of millions of people suffer injuries from using things they bought that should have been safe, but turned out to be dangerous. When companies don’t do the work to design a safe product in the first place, they can be held responsible legally if they injure someone, whether they meant to or not.

Our product liability lawyers usually step in when it’s something more serious than just the product not working.

learn more about Product Liability Lawyers

Auto Title Claims

Most states have a time limit for how long car dealers have to give you the title to the car you bought, and it’s usually short—30 days or so is typical.

So why wouldn’t the dealer be giving you the title right away? Often it’s a sign of a problem.

If you’ve bought a car and the dealer won’t give you the title, and it’s been a long period of time, we’ll review your case at no cost. We may not only be able to get you your title, but also get you damages from the dealer for the trouble they’ve caused by not giving it to you when they should have.

learn more about Auto Title Claims

Bank Fraud Disputes

When bank fraud occurs, it has become common for banks to refuse to refund stolen money from your account. When you dispute a fraudulent charge, the bank conducts an investigation. Despite providing evidence that your account was hacked or that you weren’t responsible, the bank may conclude there was no fraud. Some banks are particularly bad about this, often outsourcing or automating customer service. Instead of a thorough investigation, they may simply pretend to investigate and tell you it’s your problem.

learn more about Bank Fraud Disputes

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Five websites tracking Pennsylvanians online

Websites routinely use “session replay” scripts to monitor and record their visitors’ clicks, scrolling and typing.  This type of recording can be fully…

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How to Fix Carvana Title Issues

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What do I do if my bank won’t refund stolen money?

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Kneupper & Covey is Hiring Attorneys!

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OUR FIRM IS NO LONGER ACCEPTING NEW SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS INVESTIGATION We are leaving this post up for archival and legacy purposes but…

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K&C Attorney Lorraine Weekes interviewed on NBC News 4 about Money Network Financial lawsuit

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Get Notified About New Class Action Investigations

Seeking Class Action Plaintiff Representatives Kneupper & Covey is dedicated to pursuing claims against companies that employ shady and illegal practices. Often these…

Attorney Cyclone Covey Interviewed by ABC News Atlanta About Green Dot Lawsuits

Attorney Cyclone Covey has been interviewed by ABC News Atlanta about Kneupper & Covey’s efforts to protect consumers whose money was locked up…

Need a lawyer to sue Carvana?

Our Attorneys Help Consumers Sue Carvana Carvana is the biggest online car dealership out there. They sold more than 400,000 cars last year….

Sandal with sole falling off

Rainbow Sandals Warranty Class Action

Does Rainbow Sandals really offer a Guarantee for the Lifetime of the Sole? Rainbow Sandals has long touted its Signature Series sandals as…

Can I file a lawsuit against Take 5 Oil Change?

A local news station in Atlanta, WSB-TV, is reporting that customers of Take 5 Oil Change have experienced severe damage to their vehicles….

Goodleap Loses Key Solar Arbitration

Kneupper & Covey has won a key arbitration against solar financing company Goodleap in an arbitration in Georgia before a former Chief Justice…

Racketeering Lawsuit Against Chargebacks911, Gary Cardone, and Monica Eaton Certified As Class Action

A federal court in Florida has just certified a lawsuit against Chargebacks911, its former CEO Gary Cardone, and its current CEO Monica Eaton…

Lawsuit Investigation into MakerDAO Forcing WBTC Liquidation

The Forced Liquidation Proposal If you’re a user of the MakerDAO/Sky platform, you may have heard about a recent proposal made by BA…

Contact Kneupper & Covey

Kneupper & Covey accepts consumer protection cases across the country, with attorneys licensed to practice in California, Georgia, Texas, Washington, New York, Pennsylvania, and Hawaii. We have physical offices to meet you in California and Georgia.
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