If you’ve bought a product relying on advertisements that turned out to be false, we may be able to help.

If you bought a product and feel like you’ve been lied to, we may be able to help. We represent consumers who’ve been injured by products or false advertising, and we make companies correct the false claims they’re making to everyone else. Our lawyers are experienced in false advertising cases and use a variety of laws to make sure that companies tell the truth to the people they sell to.

At Kneupper & Covey, we represent consumers. We help people who’ve been mistreated by businesses, and there’s no charge for a consultation to evaluate your potential case. We usually work on contingency, which means that we only get paid if we win. Call us at 657-845-3100, or e-mail us at contact@kneuppercovey.com. We’ll be in touch soon and we’ll let you know if you have a valid claim.