
Have you bought one of those fat freezing belts – and found out that it didn’t do anything at all? Maybe you bought a fat freezing wand, or a fat freezing chin strap. They told you it would freeze away your fat cells, and help you shape your body to look just the way you wanted it. You’d lose weight, look better, and all you had to do was sit there with a belt on and let it do the work for you.
We don’t think any of this is true. And our attorneys are investigating the companies that sell fat freezing belts as part of potential class action lawsuits.
Companies have to tell the truth. They can’t make promises they know they won’t be able to deliver on. And that’s especially true when it comes to your health. There are lots of laws and regulations governing claims you can make about what a product does to the human body. They’re called “structure function” claims – making representations to people that your product will affect the structure or function of the human body. If you want to claim something like that to consumers, you have to go get an approval with the Food and Drug Administration before you do. You have to have your product tested – not just to make sure it works but to make sure it’s safe. And if you don’t, you can’t legally sell it at all, even if it was the greatest thing in the world.
If you’ve bought an at home fat freezing product and it didn’t work, we want to talk to you. You can fill out our contact form By Clicking here. We’re looking for people who might want to represent a class in a class action, and we’re happy to explain how that works.
Do fat freezing belts actually work?
We don’t believe they do. They tell you they’re “freezing” away your fat sells – but the belts don’t actually hit freezing temperatures, and based on our investigation we don’t think they’re actually even getting rid of fat cells at all. They certainly aren’t FDA approved. There’s only one treatment like this that’s gone through the FDA approval process, and that’s a specific brand called CoolScupting. But to do that, you have to go into an office. They use expensive, customized machinery. They don’t just hand you a belt and tell you to go home and wear it.
None of the at-home fat freezing products have FDA approval. That means nobody should be selling them at all. Legally, they can’t. And even CoolScupting is only approved for use on certain parts of the body.
But every time we look online and see a fat freezing product, it’s making all kinds of promises about what it will do. They’re all making serious health claims – and none of them have gone through the proper testing that the FDA requires.
Can people be injured using fat freezing belts?
We’ve even heard reports of serious injuries from fat freezing belts gone wrong. Burns, unsafe temperatures, and serious skin damage. That shouldn’t be happening – but with a junk product, you don’t know what you’re getting. If someone is willing to lie to you about what their product does, they’re probably willing to lie about the safety as well.
How does a class action lawsuit work?
In a class action lawsuit, one person represents a large group of people who’ve been injured in roughly the same way. For false advertising cases, it would be someone who saw an ad making a promise, bought the product, and didn’t get what they were promised. If you bought one of these fat freezing products and it was a dud, you might qualify as a class representative. Fill out our form By clicking here, and we can evaluate whether you have a potential claim for a lawsuit.