ABC News Covers Credit Repair Win By Kneupper & Covey


Attorney Kevin Kneupper


Kevin Kneupper

Attorney Kevin Kneupper has been practicing law for almost two decades, with a focus on consumer protection cases.


Attorney Cyclone Covey


Cyclone Covey

Attorney Cyclone Covey has practiced law for over two decades. He has a CS degree from Wake Forest University and he earned a JD with Honors from Wake Forest University.



ABC News Atlanta has interviewed attorney Cyclone Covey regarding a recent win by Kneupper & Covey in a lawsuit involving wrongful eviction and damage to a brother and sister’s credit score. The court imposed $52,000 in sanctions in a contempt award to make sure that the credit repair actually happened.

Kneupper & Covey represents consumers to protect them from unfair business practices, including false or improper reports that harm consumers’ credit scores. Georgia law requires that landlords provide tenants with a habitable home, and people have rights in the event that those laws aren’t followed. Our attorneys work hard to make sure that consumers’ rights are enforced and people get fair deals from the companies they buy from. Need help with your case? Click Here to Submit Your Claim.

Contact Kneupper & Covey

Kneupper & Covey accepts consumer protection cases across the country, with attorneys licensed to practice in California, Georgia, Texas, Washington, New York, Pennsylvania, and Hawaii. We have physical offices to meet you in California and Georgia.
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